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How do you fix slime that is not stretchy? If your slime has turned hard and rubbery and breaks off when you pull it rather than being stretchy, it means you have put too much Borax Solution. You may be able to save this by soaking it in a bowl of hot tap water.

How do I get my slime back to normal? 

What makes slime Fluffy? Fluffy slime is really just regular slime made with shaving cream added. The amount of shaving cream you add will change the texture and consistency of the slime. The more you add, the “fluffier” it will be. If you just want it to be a little fluffy, then this recipe will walk you through how much shaving cream to use.

Can you microwave slime? 

How long is slime good for?

Slime will last for four years from date of manufacturing when stored in its original packaging and placed in a cool, dry place. To determine the age of sealant in a squeeze bottle (not an aerosol can), locate the production date code above the label.

What happens if you freeze slime?

How do you make slime more fluffy?

What happens when you heat slime?

How do you make microwave slime without glue?

How do you soften slime?

One of the easiest ways to soften up tough or hard slime is to add about a spoonful of water and then to knead it into your slime until it returns to its regular stretchiness, according to WikiHow.

How do you know if slime is overactivated?

One of the most common slime fails is overactivated slime. The term “over activated” means that you’ve added too much of a slime activator (liquid starch, contact solution, borax, etc.). This results in a slime that is hard, rubbery, stringy, and breaks easily.